Saturday, May 16, 2009

RSS Feeds

I finally finished my rss feed task, and I like this thing. It actually saves me time. When I get home after work I'm rarely in the mood to sit through 15 minutes of uninteresting news stories and commercials just to find out the weather report. I may actually be able to keep up on the news again. It did take a while to figure out Bloglines, but I'm enjoying myself now.
A slight glitch, I couldn't spot the Share button in my bloglines account, so that isn't posted. I will try later or bug another lucky 2.0 Learner for advice.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Image Generators

I skipped over the RSS Feeds assignment and went straight to play week. I took a two month hiatus, and I don't want to start up again with the hardest of the 23 tasks. I found I really like the images this site can produce. I'm a sucker for reflections.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Technology Related Blog-Post

It's been around a while, but I still use it weekly. I'm talkin bout Wikipedia (and Wikitionary). I discovered it my senior year of college during my anthropology capstone class. It was great for finding out how to pronouce that previously unknown African country (like Eritrea) or what that weird accronym stood for (like MDRTB- Multiple Drug Resistant Tuberculosis). I started remembering all this thanks to a 30 Rock rerun (Jenna tried to learn about Janis Joplin using Wikipedia). The show did a nice job of illustrating the downside of Wikipedia (anyone can add to definitions, even the un or ill informed). I still love Wikipedia, but researcher beware. This was no problem in college (five sources for a paper and everything annotated) but the fact is foggier in the real world. Food for thought,

Monday, February 9, 2009

Angkor Library Sunset

Angkor Library Sunset, originally uploaded by Stuck in Customs.

I finally got a picture to download from the web to my blog! Yeah! Gorgeous place. How would you like to work here every day.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year started Jan.26th and lasts for 15 days. You know you want some takeout. The weather was crazy the night of the 26th. I was walking my mom's dogs that night (which I do evey night after work) so I got to be out in the cold. I wear contacts, and at first I thought something had gotten in my eye because I kept seeing these sparkly specks everywhere. After a few minutes I realized it was just some sort of weird precipitation. Anybody know the name? It was gorgeous, like glitter falling from the sky. Happy Chinese New Year,

Friday, January 16, 2009

Of the 7 habits, playing is definitely the winner for easiest. I enjoy playing, trying out all the wizards and icons. At least I enjoy it if I can give my self permission to take the time. Luckily with this learing 2.0 program I have the permission.
The hardest habit for me would be... I guess beginning with an open mind. I have a lot of misconceptions about Blogs and a lot of the other tools we will be learning in the coming weeks. This exercise will be good practice in helping me disprove those misconceptions.

PS I used the font "trebuchet". Can you believe that is the name of a font?!